Amo Mua come brand, penso di averlo ripetuto alcune volte.
Questo prodotto, una BB Cream, devo dire che mi ha delusa, il che mi ha sorpresa enormemente.
I love Mua as brand, I think I had repeated this a few times. But this product, a BB Cream, let me disappointed, which surprise me enormously.
Per me una BB Cream deve essere di una consistenza molto leggera, tipo crema colorata da usare al posto della crema idratante prima di applicare il fondotinta.
So che non é il suo tipico utilizzo, ma io amo usarla tipo primer viso per uniformare l'incarnato.
Questa crema mi ha stupita in termini negativi.
É molto densa, molto coprente e assolutamente non ha le caratteristiche di una BB Cream, cosí come siamo abituate a conoscerla.
Inoltre avendo anche una tonalitá piuttosto scura, visto che ormai l'ho acquistata, la uso come correttore per le occhiaie oppure come fondotinta coprente miscelandolo con la mia crema idratante quotidiana per rendere il tutto piú spalmabile.
In assoluto é il primo prodotto Mua che mi delude al 100% e per questo motivo non posso consigliarvelo.
Spero che la mia piccola recensione possa esservi di aiuto.
Ciaoooooo a tutte
For me a BB Cream should be a very light colored cream to use instead of moisturizer before applying foundation.
I know that is not the typical use, but I love using it as a face primer to even improve the complexion.
This cream has surprised me in negative terms.
It is very dense, very opaque and absolutely does not have the characteristics of a BB Cream, as we used to know it.
Furthermore also having a rather dark tones, now that I purchased it, I use this product as a concealer for dark circles or as opaque foundation by mixing it with my daily moisturizer to make it more spreadable.
Ever is the first Mua's product that disappoints me at 100% and for this reason I can't say to you to buy it.
I hope that my small review can help everyone.
Bye bye....
For me a BB Cream should be a very light colored cream to use instead of moisturizer before applying foundation.
I know that is not the typical use, but I love using it as a face primer to even improve the complexion.
This cream has surprised me in negative terms.
It is very dense, very opaque and absolutely does not have the characteristics of a BB Cream, as we used to know it.
Furthermore also having a rather dark tones, now that I purchased it, I use this product as a concealer for dark circles or as opaque foundation by mixing it with my daily moisturizer to make it more spreadable.
Ever is the first Mua's product that disappoints me at 100% and for this reason I can't say to you to buy it.
I hope that my small review can help everyone.
Bye bye....
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